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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Alternative Holiday Plants

         It is no secret that poinsettias make great holiday plants, but why not try something different this winter?

Many attractive holiday plants can be found in floral shops, supermarkets, and garden centers in November and December.

         Amaryllis can be purchased as a bulb or a plant, and will produce large, beautiful white, pink, or red flowers. 


These colors can also be found cyclamen. Even this cyclamen’s foliage is attractive, often having silver marbling on the top sides of the leaves.


Gloxinia, a close relative of the African violet, has dark green fuzzy leaves, and large, bell-shaped blooms in reds, purples, and pinks.

For a foliage plant, try Stromanthe ‘Triostar.’ It has green and white leaves with bold red undersides.

Stromanthe 'Triostar'

How about a rosemary plant trained into a Christmas tree shape.  Looks cute and smells good too.
Rosemary 'Christmas' tree

Dress up these and other plants by placing them in festive containers