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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Pest Alert: Leaf-footed Bugs on Blueberries

Adult leaf-footed bug
      I have found and had a call about leaf-footed bugs in blueberries.  The call came from Lauderdale Co. and the ones I saw are in Clarke and Perry counties.

Leaf-footed bug cause damage when feed on leaves and fruit by piercing the blueberries with their proboscis and sucking the juices. The saliva of leaffooted bugs contains a toxic secretion, which further injures plant tissue. They may cause wilting and death of leaves and deformation and loss of fruit. Leaf-footed bugs can damage larger green and ripe fruits.  Feeding on fruit with piercingsucking mouthparts causes pitting, distortion and discoloration. Puncturing of fruit also allows secondary pathogens to enter and cause rotting.  

Immature leaf-footed bugs
Leaf-footed bugs also raise their young within the fruiting cluster which is annoying when harvesting.

     Insecticides should target the nymph and adult stages. Carbaryl (Sevin) and malathion should provide adequate control but be aware of preharvest intervals.   Homeowners can usually catch and kill the bugs by hand since they are relatively slow moving.  You might want to wear gloves since these bugs are in the stinkbug family. 

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